Robust 6G,  Jan 2024 - Jun 2026 

Consortium: Wings, Ericsson, Turkey, Telefonica, Spain, UMU, Spain, Charmers, Sweden, UCD, Irealnd, Padova, Italy, Network, Italy, Linkoping, Sweden, Eurecom, France, Thales, France. Gohm, Turkey. Axon, Greece

ROBUST-6G is a European research project (HORIZON-JU-SNS-2023-STREAM-B-01-04) that pioneers the development of data-driven, AI/ML-based security solutions, addressing the evolving challenges presented by the dynamic landscape of forthcoming 6G services and networks within the future cyber-physical continuum. Our mission encompasses not only advancing security measures but also safeguarding the integrity of AI/ML systems from potential security breaches and upholding the privacy rights of individuals whose data fuels these systems. ROBUST-6G initiative extends to the promotion of green and sustainable AI/ML methodologies, aiming to optimize energy efficiency in 6G network design.

CONFIDENTIAL 6G,  Jan 2023 - Dec 2025 

Consortium: Wings, Greece, Alcatel- Lucent, France, Nokia, Germany, Telefonica, Spain, TU Eindhoven, Netherlands, Zentrix, Estonia, TNO, Netherlands, TU Graz, Austria, UCD, Ireland, FAU, Germany, IMDEA, Spain, ULTRAVIOLET, Serbia

SPATIALSep 2021 - Aug 2024

Consortium : TU Delft, Netherlands, WithSecure, Finland, Montemage, France, Mainflux Labs, Serbia, Telefonica, Spain, Fraunhofer Fokua, Germany, UCD, Ireland, University of Tartu, Estonia, NEC, Germany, Erasmus, Netherlands, Australo, Spain, MinnaLearn, Finland

SPATIAL will tackle the identified gaps of data issues and black-box AI by designing and developing resilient accountable metrics, privacy-preserving methods, verification tools and system solutions that will serve as critical building blocks for trustworthy AI in ICT systems and cybersecurity.

INSPIRE-5Gplus,  Nov 2019 - Oct 2022 

Consortium : EURESCOM, Germany, Thales, France, AALTO University, Finland, CTTC, Spain, CyberLens, The Netherlands, NCSRCD, Greece, MONTIMAGE, France, ORANGE, France, ORANGE, Poland, TAGES, France, Telefónica I+D, Spain, University of Oulu, Finland, University of Murcia, Spain, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland

The goal of INSPIRE-5Gplus is to advance security of 5G and Beyond networks via two main ap-proaches : (1) by leveraging/extending existing assets such as Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs),Remote Attestation/Path Proof/RCA (Root Cause Analysis), and end-to-end liability management betweenparties, and (2) by introducing novel solutions/paradigms exploiting the potential of new trends includingAI/ML and Blockchains

RESPONSE 5G,  Jan 2019 - Dec 2020 


The project studies optimal use of Industrial Edge Computing for increasing manufacturing business profitability through improved productivity, security and safety, while maintaining low production infrastructure maintenance and investment costs. The project will utilize and further develop emerging technologies, such as Mobile Edge Computing (MEC), distributed IoT Edge computing, 5G networks andBlockchain

uO5G,  Jan 2017 - Dec 2018 


The project studies optimal use of Industrial Edge Computing for increasing manufacturing business profitability through improved productivity, security and safety, while maintaining low production infrastructure maintenance and investment costs. The project will utilize and further develop emerging technologies, such as Mobile Edge Computing (MEC), distributed IoT Edge computing, 5G networks andBlockchain

6G FlagshipMay 2018 - April 2026 


The 6Genesis flagship is focused on the development of wireless technology, exploring the imple-mentation of the fifth generation of mobile communication technology (5G) and the development of the6G standard. The flagship will support industry in bringing the 5G standard to the commercialisation stageby carrying out large pilots with a test network

Industrial Edge,  Jan 2018 - Dec 2019 


The project studies optimal use of Industrial Edge Computing for increasing manufacturing business profitability through improved productivity, security and safety, while maintaining low production infrastructure maintenance and investment costs. The project will utilize and further develop emerging technologies, such as Mobile Edge Computing (MEC), distributed IoT Edge computing, 5G networks andBlockchain

SHELD-ON, Oct 2017 –  Oct 2021

Wearable Robots Action is a pan-European network of scientists, engineers, manufacturers and other stakeholders around the topic of Wearable Robots, strengthening WR as a field of Research, Development and Innovation, as well as supporting the societal embedding of Wearable Robots in diverse environments, including Healthcare and Industrial applications.

SHELD-ON, Oct 2017 –  Oct 2021

SHELD-ON (Indoor living space improvement: Smart Habitat for the Elderly) aims to foster knowledge exchange and the development of a joint research agenda in terms of design and development of multifunctional indoor environments to meet the requirements of Europe's ageing population while promoting healthy and safe ageing.

Towards Digital Paradise,  Jan 2017 - Dec 2018 

Consortium : Nokia,  Streamr, Nextfloor, Lighting Design Collecive, Reaktor, Nordkapp, Flexbright, Barrabes, NextBase, LMInfo, VTT, Lapland, TUTampere, UOulu, AaltoU, Demos Helsinki 

TDP is a company driven joint research activity in the theme of seeking and developing alternative, human-centric ways of producing and utilizing digital services. The driving vision is the digital paradise, where users can live “naked” without carrying any gadgets. Digital services appear to the user through the texture of the environment when needed and then disappear when not needed.

SECURE Connect,  Sep 2016 - Aug 2020 

Consortium : University of Oulu and Aalto University 

SECURE Connect project will solve the Industrial Internet and future Cyber Physical System challenges by achieving following objectives:

5G CHAMPION,  Jun 2016 – May 2018 

Consortium : CEA-Leti (Coordinator), France,  Nokia, Finland, Intel, Germany,  Thales Alenia Space, France,  University of Oulu, Finland, Fraunhofer HHI, Germany, Telespazio, France, iMinds, Belgium, ETRI (Coordinator), Seoul Metropolitant Rapid Transit, South Korea Telecom, HFR,  Clever Logic, Seoul National University, Dankook University, Hanyang University, Korea Telecom, Eluon, InSoft, Mobigen, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology 

The 5GCHAMPION project aims at the first 5G system proof-of-concept in conjunction with the 2018 Korean Winter Olympics. Key novel 5G building blocks will be developed and implemented into a new architectural approach providing an efficient end-to-end system performance encompassing cutting edge 5G radio-access, core-network and satellite technologies.

5GCHAMPION concept is a system including key building blocks for mmWave access and backhaul network, for sub 6 GHz direct 5G satellite narrowband access, positioning and for a flexible and evolved packet core network managed by SDN interface, to support various 5G use cases and all new and legacy access networks.

In order to bring the 5GCHAMPION concept into a tangible proof-of-concept, in this project we develop a new, integrated, agile system architecture with heterogeneous radio accesses.

The Naked Approach, Mar 2015 - Feb 2018 

Consortium :  VTT, Lapland, TUTampere, UOulu, AaltoU, Demos Helsinki 

The Naked Approach project is seeking and developing alternative, human-centric ways of producing and consuming digital services. The driving vision is digital paradise, where users can live “naked” without carry-on gadgets. The digital services appear to the user from the texture of the environment when needed and then completely disappear when not needed anymore.

Design, technology and business solutions are created and studied from user perspective in order to realise new digital interaction paradigms. While developing the business models and ecosystems, the Nordic values – respectful co-living and trust – are emphasized as a part of new services and products – on our way towards the hyperconnected world of the future.

5G Test Network , Jan 2014 –  Dec 2017 

Consortium :  Nokia, VTT, UOulu, Anite, Bittum, Eltel, EXFO, Haltian, Indalgo, Mediatek, Sarokal, OAMK, Oulu CIty, Pehutec, Pulse, Viestintavirasto, Yle

5G Test Network is facility for R&D and testing in a realistic 5G network environment, and it is located at the premises of VTT and University of Oulu. Fully functioning, it will form a dynamic and heterogeneous platform for developing and testing new applications, services, algorithms, technologies, and systems. 

IRACON, March 2014 –  Feb 2017

Inclusive Radio Communication Networks for 5G and beyond (IRACON) project is a European Union project which aims at scientific breakthroughs by introducing novel design and analysis methods for the 5th-generation (5G) and beyond-5G radio communication networks.

RECODIS, March 2014 –  Feb 2017 

Resilient communication services protecting end-user applications from disaster-based failures (RECODIS) project is a European Union project which is seeking respective solutions to provide resilient communications in the presence of disaster-based disruptions of all types for existing communication networks.

WiPE, June 2013 –  May 2017 

Wireless Power Transmission for Sustainable Electronics (WiPE) is a European Union project which is seeking strategies specially tailored for battery-less systems, battery-free sensors,  Near Field Communications (NFC) to develop and foster the Internet of Things (IoT) evolution.

AAPELE, June 2013 –  May 2017 

Algorithms, Architectures and Platforms for Enhanced Living Environments (AAPELE) project is European Union project which addresses the issues of defining software, hardware and service architectures for Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), on studying and creating more efficient algorithms for AAL.

Celtic-Plus SIGMONA,  May 2010 – Jan 2013  

SDN Concept in Generalized Mobile Network Architectures (SIGMONA) project is a Celtic-Plus multinational project with 25 partners from Six EU countries. The project aims at evaluation, specification and validation of a Software Defined Mobile Network concept designed onto the software defined networking (SDN), network virtualization and cloud computing principles.

Celtic-Plus MEVICO,  Jun 2013 – May 2016  

Mobile Networks Evolution for Individual Communications Experience (MEVICO) project is a Celtic-Plus multinational project with 19 partners from Five EU countries. The project aims at defining an architecture for deploying the next generation mobile networks in line with user demands' evolution. The project starts identifying the requirements for the new architecture and highlight the ones with higher priority for implementation. 

Train Wireless Bus,  May 2012 – Sep 2012  

Train Wireless Bus (TWB) - Wireless Solutions for Urban Transit Environments project is a joint research project between GE Transportation, Italy. The project aims to develop and test an innovative, low power and reliable solution for vehicle-to-vehicle on-board communications in challenging radio propagation environments. 

SECURE Connect (Secure Connectivity of Future Cyber-Physical Systems) project will solve the Industrial Internet and future Cyber Physical System challenges by achieving following objectives:

CONFIDENTIAL6G emphasizes on privacy preservation and security of sensitive data by focusing on protection of data: • In use. This is an unsolved issue with solutions just emerging with Confidential Computing. • In transit. CONFIDENTIAL6G will enhance communication protection with post-quantum cryptography, blockchain technologies and secure data access control and traceability platforms. • At the Edge. CONFIDENTIAL6G will work on specifying the post-quantum cryptographic approach most appropriate to cater for constrained Edge and IoT devices. Additionally, in order to avoid data movement from the Edge and increase trust and security, Federated AI/ML will be researched.

CONFIDENTIAL 6G,  Jan 2023 - Dec 2025